100-hour Pre- and Post-natal Teacher Training

Fundamentals of Pregnancy

·      The foundations for teaching pregnancy yoga

·      Physiological changes in pregnancy

·      Three trimesters and childbirth

·      Stages of labour


Teaching Methodology:

·      Study the art of teaching

·      Setting up the classroom

·      Observe the structure of classroom dynamics

·      Special sequences for pre- and post-natal class

·      Modifying the postures for the various stages of pregnancy

·      Modification for pregnant students in normal yoga class

·      Ethic to consider as part of committing to the path of the set of a Teacher

·      Explore Confident and Welcoming Body Language

·      Building the trust with students


Yoga prop usage:

  • Study the proper use of a yoga chair, belt, blanket, blocks, bolster, and yoga mat

  • Learn quick use of props for flow classes

  • Learn more methodical use of props for slower study of asanas

  • Use props for injuries and to investigate poses from different approaches to go deeper Anatomy & Physiology

  • Introduction to yoga anatomy – organs and systems of the body, skeletal system, muscular system, and the biomechanics intelligence of the body

  • Study all the major joints – movements, restrictions, muscular system, physiology, postural muscles

  • Understand the muscular system – muscles for movement and alignment in asana Philosophy


Anatomy and special condition during pregnancy

·      General anatomy and the anatomy of pregnant women

·      Anatomical and yogic point of view

·      Various condition during pregnancy: common aches and pains, pubic symphysis, breech, etc.

·      The important of pelvis floor for pregnancy and new mothers



·      Meditation and relaxation techniques

·      Therapeutic benefit of asanas, meditation and relaxation

·      Pranayama for pregnancy and labour